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Br Dean Taylor
HI, I’m Dean Taylor and I would like to welcome you to RadicalReformation.com.
The aim of this site is to provide original video, journal articles and books coming from an early Christian or conservative Anabaptist perspective.
Building up Yourselves in the Most Holy Faith
Christ’s Cry To Today’s Church
“Heart-Cry for Revival” Conference in Lancaster, PA, May 26-29, 1998Reading Matthew chapters 5, 6, & 7.
If I were asked what the Lord Jesus Christ would say to His Church in America, without any hesitation I would say these words, “Ye are the salt of the earth, but” ...and I believe He would weep... “but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men” (Matt. 5:13).
I Am Resolved
The Resolutions of Jonathan EdwardsWhenever we think of revival, our minds often turn to one of the men God greatly used in the past: Jonathan Edwards. During his brief life of fifty-five years, he became known as a great thinker, theologian and pastor.
Edwards was committed to a desire and discipline unto godliness. He fleshed out some of his hunger for God by making personal commitments he termed “resolutions.” These resolutions provided a framework or pathway for him to follow so he would not stray from God and become cold and indifferent.
God’s hand displayed for Elizabeth and Hadewijk in 1549
Do you find the Martyr’ Mirror to be a bit difficult to read? Old English combined with many horrible and gruesome details of torture that makes us shudder and shrink away from? But don’t give up, there are some wonderful stories of deliverance in there too! There is also much doctrine and theology in some of those writings of years ago when the times were hard for those who believed that the Word of God held more authority then the religious leaders of the day. Some of these people were educated priests, others were simple folks, and even some were children who suffered imprisonment, torture and death at the hands of those who were considered the spiritual authorities of the day. They stood firm in their belief and would not compromise in the least no matter how awful and cruel their executioners were. But sometimes they were set free by God’s mighty power. One such account follows here that reminded me of the story of Samuel back in Old Testament times because just like Samuel heard God as a child this Godly woman was called by name by God Himself.
Give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world
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It's Just War

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