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Br Dean Taylor

HI, I’m Dean Taylor and I would like to welcome you to

The aim of this site is to provide original video, journal articles and books coming from an early Christian or conservative Anabaptist perspective.


Building up Yourselves in the Most Holy Faith

Source of Power


John Wesley said: “What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.” Sadly we have tolerated a hell-less, eternity-less, sin-less gospel and this next generation is aimed at accepting this as the genuine apostolic original. The true Christian witness seems to be almost overshadowed by false doctrines, false cults, and false prophets. It is time for a holy desperation for revival to arise in God’s people! ~Greg Gordon

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Blood is the color of band!

Anthoni Erfordter of Klagenfurt, Karnten, Austria, was converted by two Anabaptist messengers. He suffered much from local authorities and family, and eventually fled to Moravia, leaving his wife and children behind, never to see them again. He wrote the following song in 1541.


Oh God, to whom shall I tell the story of my great misery? Whoever honors your name must be flogged, tormented, tortured, and put to shame as a dangerous heretic. Men desire to kill him and give him the sword and fire for his reward.


With this good news his disciples go out, preaching the gospel to every creature and baptizing those that believe. For this they suffer great opposition from the Antichrist. They have to leave their wives and children. Men take their possessions, and all their friends forsake them. Wherever they flee, their persecutors discover them to torture them on the rack, behead them, or burn them alive.

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Give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world

Free Course
Available on The Historic Faith

In this three-part series, join Dean Taylor as he surveys the landscape of Christian involvement in politics. Dean takes a historical approach to expose the devastating results when Christians get involved in the political arena. Constantinianism was not only a fourth, twelfth, or sixteenth-century problem for the church. It is still a corrupting influence in the twenty-first century. Dean will challenge you to reconsider how the Church should engage the culture today.

Anabaptist History Series

It's Just War

On March 28, 2014 we held a debate on the question, "Should Christians Fight?" in historic Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston.

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